Ideas on Where to Get Away


We’ve been talking about how important it is to get away.

Read back on some of our last few blogs on (A) How Important it is to Get Away (B) How Easy it is to Get Away.  Now let’s give you some ideas!

sightseeTake a historical trip.  
Visit some of our nation’s monumental hot-spots.  Your kids will learn first-hand some of the greatest stories of history.




TailgatingTake a sports highlight trip.
Hit all the famous sporting arenas & museums across the nation!  Catch your favorite teams play there or even just tailgate in the parking lot! Here’s a few hot-spots: 8-celebrated-sports-venues



ErnestTake a literary highlight trip.
For all you literary-lovers out there, this will be an incredible trip for you!  Take a look at some of these literary favs: Great-literary-landmarks



fishingTake a relaxing trip.
Sit by the campfire. Throw a line in the river. Lay by the lake. Bask in the sun. Walk a nature trail.




CapitolReefNPTake a National Park trip.
This will be one BEAUTIFUL trip!  Here is someone else that thinks so: Why-you-should-buy-a-national-parks-pass




beach parkTake a coastal trip.
Think of the beautiful shorelines you’ll be driving!  Sunsets. Sunrises. Waves crashing. Cliff lines. Horizon lines.




off roadingTake an off-roading trip.
Toyhaulers allow you to bring your off-roading vehicles, and add some adventure to your getaway.




cad ranchTake a fun touristy trip.
Vist some of the wacky places that Americans have been enjoying for years.  Here is a short list: 8-kitschy-classics




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